Genealogy Updates:

Contact me today to update your family information with current data.
Note we need: Full Name (female birth names please), Birth/death/marriage dates & places, Migration, Occupation & significant jobs (& dates) PLUS Spouses full name & same details as above, AND Both Parents full names & same details as above, AND Children's Full name & details as above, AND Siblings Full name & details as above.

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Fill out this online update web form
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The aim of any research is to be "complete", comprehensive, accurate and up to date.

This is also the case of genealogy research.

That means for each individual one needs as complete a picture as possible.

Not only their name, but their parents names, date of birth, place of birth, marriage, to whom, where, when, date and place of death, occupation education, etc.

If your name is here please make sure the information is correct.

Help complete the picture by giving full details (or what you know) of your parents, grand parents and great grandparents, their children, their spouses, their life stories etc.

If you have photo's that's even better - scan them and email them to me.

fill out one of the forms and send it to me

Family Stories

I would like to publish family stories - the history of your family, how they came to be where they are, anecdotes about relatives. This will make for a rich tapestry makes a genealogy more than a list of names but an interwoven history.

Contact me today with a family story or antidote.
How did your family get to where you are today, when, where, why, how, and what adventures.

Who is your family, what do they do, where and why

Send photos

To update information
for PDF Form (FAX: +61 3 9525 5979)
Fill out this  web form